Welcome to the club house

Green rectangle has white curling fern fronds overlayed. Copy says, "Who are the permanently embarrassed billionaires?"

Permanently Embarrassed Billionaires

a sandbox for building and participating in liberation movements today and into the future as the Empire falls further into crisis

PEB is a collective

of people who – owing to some combination of oppression, deconstruction, and neurodivergence – are unable to assimilate into the status quo that reproduces violence, domination, exploitation, separation, disposability, and exhaustion.

PEB is a laboratory

where members can develop their ideas, receive good-faith criticism and encouragement, try them out in the community where they live, and then return to the laboratory to iterate again.

PEB is a classroom

where members expand their knowledge of strategy, theory, and radical history so that they can imagine other futures, other practices, and other ways of being that aren’t based on domination and extraction.

PEB is a gym

where members playfully explore how to be in good relationship to each other, the collective, the community, and the wider movement.

For the movements to come

Permanently Embarrassed Billionaires will evolve and expand as new people join and new ideas emerge. We will add bios along the way. So far it’s just Heather.


  • Structure to be built
  • Communication platform TBD
  • Collective vision and culture to be built
Picture of a white cat with darke grey splotches and a reverse widow's peak laying on her side with her paws stacked. Her eyes are focused away from the camera.
Picture of a two-shelf bookshelf with a scratchy effect so you can't read the titles on the book spines.


  • Website
  • Blog where members can publish essays, updates, reflections, and creative work.
  • Resource library to be built
PEB in black letter centered inside and curving with a red circle.