3/7/24: The U.S. Military’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (5:44)
10/16/21: COP 26 Climate Conference: military emissions & nuclear no solution (29:15)
11/2/24: One Year Later—The True Cost of Israel’s War on Gaza and the West Bank: A Conversation with Prof. Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins and Dr. Jess Ghannam (51:13)
5/22/23: Climate Change: America and the World Podcast – Episode 3: Conflict and Security (43:59)
1/19/22: For the US Military, Fossil Fuel is the ‘Lifeblood.’ Here’s What that Means for the Planet (21:57)
6/18/23: How does war affect the climate? (27:26)
8/23/24: Will Climate Emissions Ever Be Counted? (16:12)
12/15/23: The Military’s Carbon Footprint Is A Hidden Cost Of Defense (17:01)
7/25/24: The Break Down Episode 6- The Hidden Climate Impact of Military Power w/ Khem Rogaly (46:55)
11/17/23: War & warming. The military isn’t exactly known for sharing its secrets. But what about when that information has huge consequences for the world’s fight to limit deadly warming? Kept behind closed doors, military emissions and pollution have long avoided proper scrutiny. Climate researchers are determined to uncover it. (29:59)
12/26/22: Reissue: Take This Job and Shove It (31:39) Conversations about downsizing America’s defense budget almost immediately stall out in a Catch-22: Reallocating those tax dollars to invest in domestic priorities would be devastating to the many small cities where a manufacturing plant, ICBM silo, or military base is the lifeblood of the local economy.
2/10/23: SEASON 4 EPISODE 7 Our host, Joe Glenton, talks to Nick Buxton from the Transnational Institute about the intersection between climate change, the military and security.
10/28/20: Episode 122: Climate Chaos (Part II) — The Militarization of Liberals’ Climate Change Response
10/15/24: Why Addressing the Climate Crisis Will Increase Peace. What if the inequalities and exploitation that are destroying the environment are also driving conflict? Today’s guests help us understand how preventing conflict and responding to the climate crisis actually go hand in hand (29:22)