IDK Project Post

Watch a video of my artist statement here

I have 100 stickers left (as of 12/6). Would you like one? I will send you a sticker if you have a conversation with a friend about something you learned from consuming some of the resources collected in this project. You don’t have to become an expert! Just having a solid framework is enough. You could also make your own slide show or video based on something you learned. Get wild. Send me an email at PEBheather [at] with a few sentences about that conversation. I will respond to the first 100 people. If you feel comfortable, you can respond with a mailing address for me to send a sticker. Anywhere you get mail is fine. I’ll take this post down once I hit 100. Please be patient with me. I look forward to hearing from you!


2 responses to “IDK Project Post”

  1. Jim Driscoll Avatar
    Jim Driscoll

    Dear Heather,

    I’m with VFP, quit teaching at MIT 40 years ago to work full time on peace and justice. Only loosely connected with VFPs CCMP.

    Just a quibble. The full portion of the federal budget going to the military is closer to 1.5 trillion according to John Bellamy Foster in Monthly Review:

    Since I’m writing and you seem totally cool, FWIW, I’ve been working mostly full time on climate the last 12 years and would urge you to include support for Direct Climate Cooling in your climate work. Sadly, most climate activists oppose it and are the biggest obstacle to needed research. We are briefing CCMP on 3/19. I don’t see how we can change society fast enough to reduce and remove emissions without some short term interventions:

    1. Hi Jim, nice to meet you and thank you for the update on that number (although its nauseating). I’ll at that article to my list and update my blog where I can. I understand the urge to seek out technological solutions that intervene into the natural equilibrium-seeking processes of the planet, but I am not interested in protecting the status quo of extraction and exploitation for a ruling class that will happily see surplus population killed off. My view is that we need to change our worldview, interrogate the kind of futures we want, let go of our expectation of perpetual growth, and figure out how to deny the oligarchs the future they feel entitled to. Perpetuating the status quo relationships only further denies the agency of future generations. The whole reason we are in this predicament (besides greed) is because people with power refuse to account for externalities, and when they declare a state of crisis they are able to include the suspension of human rights, democracy, and the future livability on the planet. The problem is not a technological one. It is a relational one and a political one. If the climate cools by one degree with a trillion dollar investment in taxpayer-funded technology, what stops the oligarchs from consuming even more energy (which is what happens now because of the relationship…green energy added to the grid is just even more that they absolutely will consume, especially by data centers that are multiplying all over the world faster than communities can have a say if they want it or not). I’m not helping the wealth hoarders extract even more wealth.

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